
Assignment #1: Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

1) We choose writing as our main field of study because it is perhaps the most pivotal representative in order to measure the ability of a student to construct an idea. Moreover, it is the primary basis upon which your work, your learning, and your intellect will be judged—in college, in the workplace, and in the community.

2) After pondering our study plan and the whole presentation, we are slightly void of a much more interesting or in other words a more systematic technology based activities. Our activities that we have offered to the students from the software provided was not really the best example,however we aim to improve and do better in our duties.

3) As a group, we collectively agree thus believe that writing is an essential job skill. for example, writing a resume for a job application, from here one is capable of fulfilling your reader's need. Your ability to do so demonstrates your intellectual flexibility and maturity. In the end, it gives us to stimulate to extend a line of thought beyond our first impressions or gut responses.

4) In short, as Muslim educators, we give thanks to Allah s.w.t for making our task a success as well as our main intention is to educate the ummah. Spreading knowledge for the benefits of mankind is among the duties that are considered as an ibadah

Assignment #2: Computer Mediated Communication

1) In the process of getting this assignment done, we have generally strengthen the brotherhood and we think that it is important to practice tolerance when working in groups,so that working collectively can amass success.

2) As we are analyzing language politeness, we have some difficulties of getting the message of the tweets since the written form exludes expression and intonation of the writer. This is related to the lesson that we have learnt in class that the users of social networks need to spell everything out in order to get their messages understood. A token of appreciation to Dr. Rozina for the valuable information :-)

3) We also find out that the use of short forms affects the intended message of the users of twitter. This is due to the fact that twitter has a word limit up to 140 characters for each tweet.

Assignment #3: Corpus Linguistics 

1) The third assignment introduces us to a software called Concordancer, this software enables us to explore the relationships between words as well as the precise information on how language is authentically used.

2) We obtained adequate of benefits completing this assignment. Among them is how we can gain access to a corpora of an authentic language in order to check our assumptions about the way language is used, predominantly available in the fields of Lexicography and Dictionary making, Stylistics, Literary Research, Pure Linguistics research, and English language and Teaching (ELT). Concordances is a very helpful tool specifically for ELT, where we can find examples to demonstrate and reinforce the language we are teaching.

3) We thoroughly think that the third assignment has expanded our knowledge especially in this course and overall in the fields of language in computer applications, of course with the assistance of our instructor Dr. Rozina.

Overall Reflection

1) At the end of this course, we have achieved our aim collectively and individually to enhance our knowledge in the field of language application through computer. The importance of gaining this knowledge enables us to keep up with the contemporary software programs pertaining to language application.

2) Since the theme we have chosen is sociolinguistics, we have come to know that it is crucial for students of language to have sociolinguistics skills in order to communicate through computer with observance of politeness. This is through the second graded assignment whereby we analyzed the conversation on Twitter.We found out that the use of language is huge and vast in establishing human relationship through communication.

3) Aside from being a dedicated learner and educator, of course in our first graded assignment. We always humbly beseech to Allah s.w.t to bid His blessings to ensure our success. We would also like to  offer our appreciation to our instructor, Dr. Rozina who relentlessly gave her kind assistance when doing all the assignments whether the graded or ungraded ones. Not to forget, our classmates who have been supportive throughout the semester, your sincere evaluation is highly regarded.

1 comment:

  1. Thorough reflections. Represent awareness of all that went into the tasks.
